
Reduced Course Load

All students on F-1 visas are required by USCIS (U.S. Citizen and Immigration Service) to be enrolled full-time (a minimum of 12 信贷-hours for undergraduate and 6 信贷 hours for graduate). Only 3 信贷-hours of online courses may be counted towards full-time enrollment.

Reduced Course Load Request Form

Students who enroll in fewer than the required 信贷-hours must submit this form by the first Wednesday of the first week of classes and receive approval from the Office of International Student Services DSO to maintain their visa status.

Please fill out 表单 carefully and be sure you have no holds before submitting it to the Office of International Student Services DSO.

Types of Reduced Course Load


Medical Condition

F-1 visa student has a medical condition for which he or she is currently receiving 治疗. Students can only obtain a medical Reduced Course Load for a total of 12 个月. No CPT will be considered for students who select “Medical Condition.” 

Attach an original letter, not on a prescription pad, from the doctor or licensed psychologist treating the student; it must clearly state the diagnosis and length of time required before you can resume a full course load. No adviser signature is required for this reason


调整 and Course Placement



The courses the student has remaining to complete a degree program do not equal 12 (on-ground) 信贷-hours for under研究生学习 or 6 (on-ground) 信贷 hours for 研究生学习. The student has completed all other course工作 for a degree. 招生 cannot solely be on-online courses; there will need to be at least one on-ground course.

The academic adviser must sign at the bottom of 表单. 这可能只是 be used during final 学期 of degree program.



F-1 student has completed all course 工作 for a graduate degree and only has thesis/dissertation 信贷 or an examination left. NOTE: the student must still remain enrolled for course 信贷. The student cannot maintain status if he or she is not registered for the 学期.

The graduate program coordinator (not academic adviser) must sign at the bottom of 表单.


Graduate Assistantship Student

F-1 student is a master’s degree student with a graduate assistantship.

Attach a copy of the award letter and have the assistantship supervisor sign at the bottom of 表单.